
La coopération avec les États tiers en matière bancaire et financière

The Future of the European Commission’s Capital Markets Union Action Plan

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Face à la nécessité de trouver un équilibre entre mondialisation et impératifs de supervision, et sur fond de Brexit, la coopération avec les États tiers met en relief des évolutions profondes : avenir de l’Union des marchés de capitaux, supervision extraterritoriale, reterritorialisation de la finance…

The Future of the European Commission’s Capital Markets Union Action Plan

The CMU Action Plan is beyond any doubt one of the most important recent developments in EU financial markets regulation.

As most of you probably know, the CMU Action Plan was launched by the European Commission in September 2015. It is a project that was intended for all 28 Member States of the European Union. Shortly before, the European Banking Union was set up at lightning speed in response to the euro crisis.

It is very important to note that the European Banking Union only applies to the jurisdictions that have ...

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Banque et Droit NºHS-2020-1