
XBRL for Europe and CRD IV: a Bigger Challenge but a Better Result?

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XBRL standards will now be determined at a European level and implemented, in largely the same manner, by national regulators across the EU. In this context, the implementation of CRD IV is a major step in the use of XBRL. Given the increase in the prevalence of these standards on an international scale, several key areas can be outlined in driving the effectiveness in utilising XBRL.

As we talk to global and national banks, regulators and IT staff, we have been heartened by the amount of preparation in plans around implementing XBRL. Of course XBRL is nothing new to France. What is slightly different though is that the standards to be implemented will now be determined at a European level and implemented, in largely the same manner, by national regulators across the EU.

This ushers in a two stage regulatory analysis. At a National level, there is, as ever, the requirement for micro-analysis and country level macro-analysis. Now however, there is also the intention of further ...

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Banque et Stratégie Nº323