
Bibliographie (non exhaustive)

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Salim Chahine & Mohamad Jamal Zeidan (2012), « Corporate Governance and Market Performance of Parent Firms Following Equity Carve-out Announcements », Journal of Management & Governance (2014), vol. 18, No 2, 471-503.

Daniel Fucks (2005), Competition, Corporate Governance and Equity Carve-outs - The European Case, octobre : http://www.efmaefm.org/0EFMAMEETINGS/EFMA%20ANNUAL%20MEETINGS/2006-Madrid/papers/571310_full.pdf.

Thomas Hall Thompson (2011), « An Examination of Ex-ante Factors and their Influence on Equity Carve-out Long-term Performance », ...

À retrouver dans la revue
Banque et Stratégie Nº364