
Chinese banks: Quo vadis?

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En dépit du ralentissement économique, le système bancaire chinois continue son expansion. Cela ne va pas sans soulever des questions sur la solidité des établissements, alors que les prêts douteux continuent de progresser. Le renforcement de la concurrence des FinTech et la dégradation des marges nettes d'intérêt sont d'autres facteurs d'inquiétude.

Where is the Chinese banking sector coming from?

China’s banking system was deemed monolithic, with the central bank People's Bank of China (PBoC) as the major entity authorized to conduct operations until the early 80s when the government started opening up the banking system and allowed four state-owned banks to take deposits and conduct banking business, which include Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China Construction Bank (CCB), Bank of China (BOC) and Agricultural Bank of China (ABC). As the economy skyrocketed in the past few decades, China’s financial system has ...

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Banque et Stratégie Nº346